Nikki and Rickie are a match made in heaven! Not even just because their names rhyme (although that’s pretty cool, too) but because they are just perfect together!! They have a farm! With cows! And adorable dogs! It’s awesome! 🙂 I actually knew Rickie from high school (I was a gym assistant for his […]
August 24, 2018
I love this little baby!! Except he’s not a baby anymore- he’s almost one!! I had so much fun chasing James around recently at his first birthday/cake smash session! He is the sweetest little boy with the brightest, prettiest eyes and he’s just adorable. It is so hard for me to believe that it’s been […]
August 22, 2018
I can’t even describe how much I loved meeting these two beautiful people recently! I got to take this adorable couple’s pictures while I was on vacation in the Isle of Palms, SC (right outside of my favorite city of Charleston). Courtney and Louis are the absolute perfect couple! They are SO comfortable in front […]
August 16, 2018
Isn’t this the most gorgeous little family you’ve ever seen?? Monica, Matthew and their 3 adorable kids moved to Virginia from Florida about a year ago. And I’m so glad they did- they are just awesome! I loved meeting them and getting to know them recently. The kids are all beautiful- like, magazine-beautiful. And obviously […]
August 14, 2018
I love this sweet family!! Hannah, Tyler and little Emalyn are the cutest and I am SO happy I got to finally meet them (in-person) a few weeks ago! I get to photograph Hannah and Tyler’s wedding day THIS weekend and I am so excited! I know it’s going to be gorgeous, just like this […]
August 14, 2018
Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Burner! Joe and Jenny got married a few months ago but recently had a reception in Blacksburg and it was beautiful! Many family members and friends came to Virginia from all around the country to help celebrate with the newlyweds. It was a gorgeous reception and Jenny (and Joe!) planned everything […]
August 13, 2018
I love this family! Yes, they are my family and I love them for that reason, but I’d love them even if they weren’t my family! They’re just that awesome. My family traveled to North Carolina a few weeks ago to visit the Morse family (Mark’s sister and her family). Rick and Deborah’s second child, […]
August 11, 2018
If I had to do the impossible and rank my favorite sessions of ALL-TIME… THIS session would definitely be up near the top. And that’s saying a lot since I have SO MANY FAVORITE sessions but this GiGi and me session was absolutely perfect. I can’t even express how wonderful these two people are- Angie […]
August 9, 2018
A lot of planning went into this session!! Donnie was the guy in charge and he scheduled this extended family session months and months ago. He had to coordinate with lots of people and that meant planning around work schedules, people travelling in from out of town, etc. And he did it!! But then… the […]
August 4, 2018