
Nathan and Kayla- Engagement Session

Nathan and Kayla are GETTING MARRIED!!! <3 <3 <3 I’m so excited for them!! I used to baby-sit Kayla and her sisters when they were little and now they help with my kids (okay, Beth helps with the kids but Kayla and Nicole are both highly capable, if needed).
We had planned for weeks to do their engagement session on Saturday, April 22. Yes, that’s around the time we had all that flooding and torrential rains! BUT it stopped raining that evening JUST long enough for us to get their pictures in! And then immediately started raining again on the way home.
Nathan and Kayla are so much fun to take pictures of! Yes, I said Nathan, too! He is a great picture-taker- he stands there looking all manly and strong and fierce. And Kayla lovesssss pictures! She looked so beautiful! She also coordinated the outfits and made them both look so great, and I don’t think a smile left her face the entire session. These two are obviously so happy together and I’m SO excited they’ll be getting married this fall! Congrats, friends! Love y’all!!
PS The Hokie-colored tulips just made my day. They were perfect for these Tech fans. GO HOKIES!!!!
PSS Ring shot + Hokie-colored tulip + raindrops on petals: Some of my favorite things!

May 5, 2017

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