
The Evans Family!

What a wild and crazy and fun session!! 🙂 I first met Stephanie and her family on the day of their spring session. (I actually graduated high school with her brother!) Right when everyone was getting out of the car, Stephanie let me know that 2 of the 4 family members did NOT like pictures! 🙂 Which is fine and understandable! However, I think they secretly do like pictures, especially Peyton. She is such a GORGEOUS little girl!!! Although it took her a few minutes to agree to smile for the camera, I’m just in love with her pictures! Bubby- what a CUTE and FUNNY boy!! He mainly liked to stick his tongue out and blow bubbles at me and then laugh hysterically. Which made his pictures turn out SO cute and true-to-life that day! Not to be left out, Stephanie and Gary’s pictures are some of my favorites (even though Gary claims to not like pictures either). What a beautiful family!! I had such a good time with them! Enjoy your pictures, Evans family!! 🙂

April 4, 2017

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