My brother-in-law, Josue, is a natural in front of the camera. He is quite the little model and takes excellent pictures! I think he enjoys taking pictures more than almost any other guy I know- and I love it! Josue and Hannah got married last summer and he has become Avery’s best friend. She will literally throw herself in the floor and cry when Josue has to leave. It’s pitiful and funny and dramatic all at the same time. He is so good to her and we’re so grateful for the extra help he gives us with Avery and the other kids, too! Anyway…we (Hannah and I) had a lot of fun taking his pictures last weekend. I’m pretty positive Josue enjoyed it, too. Actually, I know he did. Thanks, Josue! Enjoy your “glamour shots”! 🙂 PS I even got a few pictures of Hannah and Josue together!
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